Monday, June 30, 2008

Does that make your heart shiny?

Monday, June 30, 2008

Last night Jimmy and I were resting on the couch. The boys were off doing their thing and Susanna came up to Jimmy with a cup and asked if he wanted to see the flower. Jimmy was confused because being a typical man, he thought she was talking about food and was asking if he wanted to see the flour. I said no, look in the cup, it's a flower. So he looked and said yes, that's a pretty flower. She looked at him with the sweetest look on her face and whispers "Does it make your heart shiny?" Yes, it makes my heart shiny and so do you.

Garden time

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The last few weeks have been spent mostly outdoors around our house. Lawn mowing season is upon us, Jimmy has been working on our front porch and we've been preparing to plant the garden. The boys have been busy doing homework and wrapping up the last few weeks of school and Susanna has been in her element, spending the weekends outside "helping" her dad. The weekend before last, Jimmy and Sanna tilled the garden while I spent the day sitting on the couch because I hurt my back picking up 50 lbs. of dog food. Sanna was in and out a lot and after he finished tilling, Jimmy went back to working on the porch. After awhile Jimmy came in and asked if I knew what Sanna had been doing. It seems she had come in the house and gotten all my seeds and was going to the garden to "plant food". She had planted the radishes, honeydew melon and started on the carrots by the time Jimmy caught her. Sigh. Unfortunately she planted them all in the same place and by this weekend we had a softball size clump of mishmashed vegetables coming up in our garden. You can't say the girl isn't motivated.

Three years ago today....

March 31, 2008

they handed Jimmy our daughter and we became a family of five.
As we sat on the bus travelling to the office of Civil Affairs in China with 6 other families, the bus was filled with tension and nervous excitement. Months and months of waiting and planning were coming to this point in this time. Some of us were first time parents, some of us weren’t, but all of us were oh-so-ready to welcome a new life into our families. We had been travelling for only 20 minutes, but it seemed like a lifetime. Not knowing how much longer the trip would take, we pulled up to a stoplight, Jimmy and I, both at the same moment, saw a man and 2 women getting out of a parked van, all carrying babies. Jimmy said, look there are some babies and I jokingly said do you suppose they are ours? Simultaneously, the bus turned into the same parking lot and our guide announced that we had arrived. We were escorted into the building and up to a room with several couches, where we all pulled out our cameras and made sure the batteries were charged. In walked one of the ladies Jimmy and I had seen in the parking lot just minutes before. Susanna was the 3rd baby to be brought into the room and I wish I could say how wonderful it was to watch the others get their babies but as soon as she walked in the door, the rest of the world ceased to exist for me. I remember the other babies coming and lots of crying going on (mostly from the babies) but that was all background noise at the time. Did I mention they handed her to Jimmy??? Mr. You-do-the-paperwork-I’ll-sign-it? Part of me wanted to say Hey what do you think you’re doing there? I’m the mama! But looking back it was the best thing they could have done. She bonded to him in such a wonderful way. I got my chance later (after the paperwork was finished). Later that night we all got together for supper, Susanna sitting beside me in her high chair. I had just filled my plate and was beginning to eat, when she turned to me and reached out for me. I took her and she laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. That was it for dinner. There would be other dinners, but there was only one first time that my daughter fell asleep on my shoulder and I wasn’t missing it for the world.

Yesterday we travelled to Seattle and met with 3 of the girls who were in that room with us that morning 3 years ago. Those that couldn’t be there since they live out of state were there in spirit. We celebrated Gotcha Day, as we do every year. It was so amazing to see these girls with their families and see how perfectly they fit in those families. All I can say is God is good and we are all very blessed. It’s important to me for Sanna to get together with them a few times a year. These girls are Susanna’s only link to her past, the first year of her life, and I consider it a privilege to watch them grow. I want her to always know them.
Today at home has just been a relaxing day filled with ordinary things. But tonight looking back over the last few years, I realize how extraordinary life really is. 4 years ago in China, someone on the other side of the world gave birth to my daughter. For some reason that we will probably never know, she was left to be found by someone else. Someone matched her to our family and one year later she was placed in our arms. Today she is a healthy, happy, energetic and sometimes exasperating little girl. Already it seems hard to imagine a time when she wasn’t with us and a part of our family. I even have a hard time not remembering at times that I didn’t give birth to her. She is a very special little girl and she fills a place in our lives that we didn’t even know for the longest time existed. We are very grateful for her. Happy Gotcha Day, Sanna! We love you dearly.

Happy Birthday Tree

Another post from earlier this year...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Today is Susanna’s birthday. She was so excited when I told her. She said, Thank you, mama! and gave me a big hug.
She sat in the recliner across the room from me and after a minute asked me where are you going to put my birthday tree?
How bout right here? she asks, pointing to the spot where we had put the Christmas tree a few months ago.
I guess since Jimmy had explained to her that we celebrated Jesus’ birthday at Christmas, she associated that with her birthday and thought she would get a birthday tree too. Oh, the workings of the mind of a 4 year old.

Yes, she’s very sweet, but.....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Yesterday was one of those challenging days with Miss Sanna. Joe had a doctor’s appt. at 1:45 and so we picked him up from school and headed out to the clinic. I didn’t really think about it being naptime because she really is lucky if she takes a nap once a week. Joe has always had a problem with his knees hurting and we’ve always thought it was growing pains. However this last winter, it has escalated quite a bit and he finally said he was ready to go get it checked out. We did ok with the initial visit to the doctor (mainly because it’s a family practice and the nurse was wise enough to put us in a room with toys). However as we went to the lab for blood tests, Sanna started to get a bit fidgety and just a bit headstrong. (I guess I should have noticed but my mind was more on Joe than Sanna at that time). When the labs were done, we went down the hall to x-ray, where Joe provided a buffer between us until he was called back. That was when it all began. She saw the water cooler. She wanted a drink, which I was ok with even though she was a bit demanding and rude about it. I told her to sit on the chair and I would bring her a drink. So she did, she drank it and wanted more but wanted to get it herself. I suppose I should have picked my battles but like I said my mind was elsewhere and I told her that only mommies could use the water cooler. She was ok with that. Then it happened. Another little boy came in with his mom. He was allowed to help his mom get his drink. I could feel the little wheels turning in her head even though I was not meeting her eyes since that would be admitting defeat. Sigh. She gave me the cup and said she was full, she didn’t want to finish the drink. Ok, I drank the rest. Hmmmm, cup is empty now, she notices and thinks now she’s very thirsty and she needs to go get her own drink. I never realized how long it takes to take x-rays before. By the time Joe got done she was howling and falling apart. Joe tries to get her attention but she’s not having it, the only one who can hold her is mama. We go back to the dr.’s office where the nurse thinks she’s fallen down and hurt herself and I have to explain, no, she just didn’t get her way; another lady sitting in the hall with her kids is snickering and I just want to take her home and get her to bed. So I take Joe back to school to pick up his truck, school is just getting out, Jason wants to stay and lift weights. Since I do have some errands I tell him ok, but Sanna is still having issues so Joe says he’ll take her home in his truck. Joe also has to give a friend a ride to the base and I am feeling sorry for both of them having to ride with Sanna. I guess after the friend gets out, Sanna turned to Joe and said I don’t LIKE him. Joe asks her why and she says BECAUSE I SAID SO. By the time I got home from errands, she had had her nap and was her usual sweet self. Thank goodness. The good news is Joe’s knees look good, they don’t think he has arthritis. They think his high arches and the way he walks puts pressure on his knees. So we have another appt. with a foot doctor on April 14 and I am hoping grandpa can babysit.

Once again, it's hard to know where the time has gone. I've been horrible about keeping up on this blog, but have wanted to keep it so that we can look back on our trip to China and the addition of such a wonderful part of our family. With two teenager, a toddler, a traveling husband and one old grandpa to take care of, life gets crazy sometimes. I'm going to work on moving some stuff onto this blog to kind of catch up on the last few years. I've kept a few e-mails here and there with Susanna stories that I'll try to post soon. I'm going to move a few stories from my space, just so I have them all in one place. Here are a few of the most recent ones:

March 11, 2008 Please, mama, please..... Can I have a baby sister, please, please, please, can I have a baby sister, mama, please.......
I have been listening to this mantra for the last five minutes. In the last few months, three of the seven little girls who came home together from the Yangjiang orphanage have returned to China with their families to pick up the dreaded "baby sister". Not the baby sister is dreaded in any way by the families, in fact it is quite the opposite, she is much anticipated, loved and wanted. No, it is to me she is dreaded because of the previously described discussion. In November, Kathryn traveled to China to be united with Kimberly and we eagerly followed their blog while they were gone. Sanna wanted a baby sister then but I patiently explained to her that she had big brothers and Kathryn didn't have big brothers. Ruby and her sister Lily traveled to China in December to get baby sister May and they didn't have a blog to follow, so I thought the issue was settled. Tonight, I showed her the blog of her friend Zoe who met her baby sister Phoebe just 2 days ago in China and found out that the issue wasn't quite as settled as I thought. Forget about the fact that she has brothers, forget all the paperwork and approvals needed, forget the months and months of waiting and the uncertainty of international adoption. She wants to go to China tonight after supper. If only it were that simple. It doesn't matter to her that our house is full and our checkbook empty or that the wait for a baby from China is now approaching 4 years and the rules have changed and we would no longer qualify. Just get going after supper and get her that baby sister. Oh, the faith of a child.....