Monday, July 14, 2008

It's the height of love

This last week was Jimmy and my 19th wedding anniversary. Jimmy had to work on Tuesday so the celebration has stretched out a bit. We went out to eat Friday night and Saturday my present to Jimmy finally arrived in the mail. This morning (Sunday) as I was getting ready for church, I managed to hurt my back while putting on my jeans. I'm not going to make any comment on either my back or my jeans other than to say, it was unfortunate. We'll leave it there. Anyway, I stayed home from church and the family went off. After church, Jimmy realized we hadn't exchanged anniversary cards yet, so he signed his and brought it to me along with a piece of toast that I'd asked him to fix for me. Before long, here comes Miss Sanna. She has her tea tray, all laid out with 2 cups, 2 plates, broken up crackers and a slice of shredded american cheese, along with her teapot filled with some Squirt pop. Also on the tray is a Christmas card and a pen. She had made us a meal. Jimmy pointed to the Christmas card and asked her, what is this? She looked at him and said "It's the Height of Love!". I hope we didn't offend her too much when we burst out laughing. I just don't know where she gets this stuff. But I do know it's not from us.