Thursday, March 17, 2005

Consulate Appointment

We heard from WACAP (our agency) that we have a verbal confirmation of our consulate appointment. Last night, WACAP called the US consulate in Guangzhou to ask if we'd gotten one yet and they were told that we were scheduled for April 6. WACAP doesn't have the paperwork for this yet, but has told us to go ahead and look for plane tickets. They don't want us to purchase them until they get the final paperwork, which they are hoping to get tomorrow morning.

I have plane tickets on hold for a flight that leaves March 28 (Susanna's first birthday) and lands in Guangzhou on March 30 at 11:05 am, after first giving us a tour of the San Francisco airport and also the Hong Kong airport. :-) We'll be flying Cathay Pacific. Everything else is booked. We will have Susanna in our arms on March 31st, two weeks from today. We will leave Guangzhou to come home April 8.



At March 20, 2005 at 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cahterine and Jimmy and Joe and Jason - we are praying for all of you as your family goes through the next few weeks (months, years?) of adjustments and changes. You are special and Suzanna is a blessed girl to be part of such a loving and caring family! God bless you as you proceed! Love, Patty and Rick =>)

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