Monday, June 30, 2008

Garden time

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The last few weeks have been spent mostly outdoors around our house. Lawn mowing season is upon us, Jimmy has been working on our front porch and we've been preparing to plant the garden. The boys have been busy doing homework and wrapping up the last few weeks of school and Susanna has been in her element, spending the weekends outside "helping" her dad. The weekend before last, Jimmy and Sanna tilled the garden while I spent the day sitting on the couch because I hurt my back picking up 50 lbs. of dog food. Sanna was in and out a lot and after he finished tilling, Jimmy went back to working on the porch. After awhile Jimmy came in and asked if I knew what Sanna had been doing. It seems she had come in the house and gotten all my seeds and was going to the garden to "plant food". She had planted the radishes, honeydew melon and started on the carrots by the time Jimmy caught her. Sigh. Unfortunately she planted them all in the same place and by this weekend we had a softball size clump of mishmashed vegetables coming up in our garden. You can't say the girl isn't motivated.


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