Sunday, April 03, 2005

April 3

Today we got up early and went to breakfast at 6. At about 8 I went to see if the internet cafe was open, which it wasn't but I knew another store offered it for free so I went to see if they were open. They weren't but on the way, I saw another store with ethnic type handicrafts in it, so I stopped and got Susanna some lion slippers and matching hat. The lady in the store said they had free internet if you purchased something, so I used the internet and managed to get some pictures to John Roberts to show in church that morning. He also sent them to Lisa B. and I'm hoping she'll be able to get them on the internet for you all. I can post from China, but can't view the actual blog. Kind of weird. After that we went back to the hotel and met Wendy at 10 to go to the zoo. First we went to a park where they have a statue of 5 rams. This represents the name of the town. Lots of people go there to have their picture taken in front of the statue. While we were there, a 17 year old girl asked us if she could practice her English with us. We had a nice little conversation, then she introduced us to her parents and asked if we had e-mail and would we mind if she e-mailed us to continue practicing. We said yes and gave her our address. Next we went to the zoo. The animals aren't in habitats like the Seattle zoo, they're in cages. We saw monkeys, elephants, dogs, wolves, rhinos and more. It was very interesting. Finally about 1 we headed back to the hotel. We dropped Jimmy and Susanna and Matt and Abbie off at the hotel and Cindy Hemry and I hit the shops. We got some silks for the girls as they grow up and I ordered etchings. We had to be back at the hotel at 3 for another hour of filling out paperwork. This is for the baby's visa, which is the last thing we should have to apply (and pay) for. After that, we went back to our room, agreeing to meet downstairs at 5 to go to Lucy's for supper. We met the Hemry's and Moubasher's there. It was good food but cut short by Susanna having a tummy ache. We've yet to have that magic dirty diaper and after 3 days it was getting worrysome and also uncomfortable for her. So we walked back to the hotel. I had to run out and get our laundry and when I got back, her tummy ache was over, so Jimmy got the first dirty diaper too, but luckily for him, mama got back just in time to change it. Funny how that works, isn't it? After that, the happy, funny girl who likes to sing and dance was back and we decided to take a walk on the water front. Jimmy got to observe the fishing from the bridge and I got to stop in one last shop and get a few things. Shhh.......don't tell Jimmy I told you, but I caught him dancing with Sanna and singing the Barney song. LOL :-D He's a good daddy.

Well that finally gets us caught up today, April 4. I'll have to type about it tomorrow because we leave on a bus in 45 minutes to go visit Susanna's orphanage. It's a 3 hour trip one way. We will go there, spend an hour or two and then come back. I'm sure it will be tiring and emotionally hard on all of us, but we feel that it's something we need to do. So I'll update you tomorrow.



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