Monday, April 11, 2005

April 10

We weren't sure how we'd feel this morning, so didn't know if we'd go to church......although I did get a cryptic message on my answering machine about Sherri working in the church nursery this morning...hint, hint. We got up feeling pretty good, so decided to go. It took awhile to get ready for church, since our stuff is half in suitcases and half put away and I'm not exactly used to getting a baby ready for church. But we dressed her in her chinese silks and headed in anyway. Joe was finally able to hold her this morning as we took her out to the car to go to church. She's really warming up to both boys. It was so nice to see everyone and be able to show her off to her new church family. John was out of town, but Jesse called us up front and introduced Susanna, then prayed for her. I was very touched. She loved the music and was dancing in my arms as they were singing, but got a bit restless for the sermon, so we went back to the nursery. As soon as she saw those toys, she forgot I existed, I think. She really enjoyed being in there and we stayed there until the final singing. After church I went to Walmart to find a bottle for her. She has one bottle nipple that she'll use. It's shaped like a sippy cup would be but is soft and flexible. I bought it on a whim before we left for China and it ended up being the only one she liked, so I needed to buy some more. Unfortunately, neither walmart carried them anymore, so it could get interesting. After that we came home and had some lunch. In my jetlag induced state I managed to forget I had a pizza in the oven and I burned it, but managed to cook 2 more ok. Then Lisa, Noah and Amanda Chandler came for a visit. After they left, Susanna had a short nap and I continued to try to unpack. I had run out of rice cereal, so went again to walmart and when I got back John and Sharlyn came to visit, then Lisa came back over so MaKenzie could see the baby. It was a very nice evening. It is so nice to be home and to sleep in my own bed, but in a way I miss China. It was the trip of a lifetime.


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